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A mosdó egykor és ma

A WC rövid története



A Budapesti Történeti Múzeum Vármúzeuma az egykori középkori királyi palota maradványai fölött helyezkedik el. A közelmúltban felújított és új bejárattal ellátott Királypincében megmaradt a középkori palota egykori latrinájának a helye. Ebbe a térbe ma bemehetünk és a középkori tárgyak mellett az érintőképernyőn egy rövid áttekintést kaphatunk a mosdó történetéről, a vízöblítéses WC elterjedéséről. Ennek jelentősége ma a világ több pontján meghatározó, hiszen számos fertőző betegség terjedése megállítható a szennyvíz és az ivóvíz megfelelő szétválasztásával.


  • A látgatók a rekonstruált középkori kertből lépnek be a Királypince terébe. Ez a múzeum egyik legmélyebb pontja. Egykor a barokk palota pincéje volt.
  • A királyi palotában több helyütt volt latrina a középkorban. Ez a kicsi helyiség emésztő volt, amit ajtaján keresztül rendszeresen üríteni és tisztítani lehetett.
  • A látogatók a Királypince megismerése után egy érintőképernyőn ismerhetik meg a mosdó rövid történetét az egykori latrina emésztőjében, ahol ma kiállítás áll.
  • A kiállítási vitrinben a helyiségben középkori, tisztálkodással kapcsolatos tárgyak mellett egy közékor WC deszkát is megtekinthetnek a látogatók. 
Museo Mundial_HU_Hygiene_1
Museo Mundial_HU_Hygiene_2
Museo Mundial_HU_Hygiene_3

    Költségvetés + egyéb források



    750 €


    600 €


    350 €


    1700 €

    Hogyan készül - lépésről lépésre

    1st Step:

    Choose object and topic

    We would have liked if visitors kind of “bump into” at least one of the five installation on one of the floors of the museum (the museum has four floors in total).

    The new entrance of the museum in the so called King’s cellar leads the walking tourists and visitors from the reconstructed mediaeval garden into the museum. With the popular topic of former lavatory (which is also a question of today, because visitors would like to find it soon after entrancing the museum) we tried to catch the interest at the beginning, if they visit the museum from this direction.

    The reconstruction of the medieval lavatory is an outstanding location to think about the habits of the people of the former royal palace.

    2nd Step:

    Check technical preconditions

    The mediaeval part of the palace was reconstructed in the 1960s and until this last restoration there have not happened any important renewal, so we needed to have all modern electronically conditions to be able to use the installation with the touch screen.

    3rd Step:

    Cost estimates

    The equipment had the price we needed but the programming needs more planning and practice for a detailed estimation of the costs.

    4th Step:

    Create content

    To define the content we consulted the curators of the exhibitions and the refurbishment of that part of the museum was a happy coincidence. We kept in mind the exhibition objects of this part of the museum and also consulted historians on the history of hygiene.

    5th Step:

    Last corrections

    The content had to be controlled also according to the behaviour of the visitors. We planned to lead them until the situation of today, so we needed to consider also the duration of the browsing at the touch screen.

    6th Step:


    The design of the installation matches with the used boxes and touch screen systems of the museum. The implementation happened parallel with the renewal of the space.


    Ups & Downs


    • The theme of the history of the toilet matches excellent with the topic of the permanent exhibition.
    • Visitors like to run through the history of the bathroom.


    • The touch screen system as all of such IT technologies are sensitive of behaviour of the visitors. Permanent control of the equipment is important to be able to have it in function.
    • There is no “back” sign at the end so visitors find the entrance a little complicated.

    Lessons learned

    • It is necessary to implement the “back” possibility on the screen.

    Feedbacks from visitors

    • Visitors like the short history in pictures and short texts; they would appreciate to have the possibility to surf about it also in the exhibition.

    Internetes linkek és egyéb források

    UN Water: World Toilet Day

    World Toilet:

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Global Water, Sanitation & Hygiene

    Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation: Sustainable Sanitation Services

    World Health Organization: Progress on drinking water and sanitation

    The United Nations University: Sanitation as a Key to Global Health

    International Medical Corps: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

    UNDP: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Portfolio

    US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health: A natural history of hygiene

    International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies: Safe drinking water and improved sanitation: The key to long-term community health

     This website has been produced with the assistance of the European Union.
    The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the Museo Mundial project partners and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.
